Who are we?

Peruvian Association of Mango Producers and Exporters is a non-profit organization formed by the leading exporters of Peruvian mango. Since 1998, at the initiative of the main mango exporters, an export council was formed, formally created since 2000.

APEM and its members share the same objectives, and together they work towards the development and promotion of the Peruvian mango industry. APEM and its members aim to achieve the development, progress, quality improvement, and optimal commercialization of their products. 

Key benefits that APEM members obtain include the opportunity to increase their knowledge about the mango industry, especially in statistical aspects and product and process quality development. They also benefit from acquiring higher-quality goods and services at lower prices through economies of scale advantages. Lastly, they have the possibility of accessing new markets through joint business and negotiations.

Mango production is mainly concentrated in the San Lorenzo Valley in Piura; Olmos and Motupe in Lambayeque; and Casma in Ancash, highlighting the Kent, Haden, and Tommy Atkins varieties, intended for export.

Estas variedades se caracterizan por tener buena cantidad de pulpa comestible, buen color y apariencia externa, excelente calidad y un exquisito sabor.

Peruvian mango is exported in different forms: fresh, canned, and as juice.Fresh mango being the most exported by volume.

Mapa de producción de mango para exportación

Meet our partners

Executive Board

How to be a member

We appreciate your interest in joining our association. To ensure an effective and committed membership, we request that you meet the following requirements at the time of registration:

Icon campesino

To be a producer, exporter, importer, and packer of mangoes.

Company presentation by two APEM partners.

Submission of the copy of the Company's Articles of Incorporation.

Power of attorney validity and copy of the ID of the company's representative before APEM.

Presentation of an Infocorp report.

Payment of registration fees.

Payment of self-assessment tax for processed and/or exported goods.

Benefits of the Members

APEM works actively to consolidate the mango industry in Peru, involving all actors in the production chain, strengthening trust in the industry through the implementation of solid practices, quality standards, and transparency at all stages of the production chain.

APEM contributes to the implementation of comprehensive programs and technology transfer covering commercial, technical, and statistical aspects to ensure quality and competitiveness in international markets, helping producers stay up to date with the latest innovations and efficient practices.

APEM supports promotion programs that highlight the qualities and advantages of Peruvian mangoes. Additionally, we work on the possibility of accessing new markets through joint negotiations with phytosanitary authorities.

APEM coordinates among the various industry participants to align efforts, share knowledge, and address common challenges.